Membership Levels
Unregistered visitors to this site and its discussion forums, have limited access to read the publicly accessible forums.
Registered Members:
By registering on the forum, registered members have greater access to view a larger number of forums and participate in some of the discussions.
Premium Members:
Registered Members who make annual contributions to the club attain Premium Member status and have complete access to read all the discussion forums and participate in all the discussions including full posting privileges in the Garage forums, access to the Owner’s Rigs pages and the ability to post in our Buy & Sell forum.
Premium Membership also includes:
- Club sticker
- Full account customization including custom avatar and custom signature
- Exclusive deals and discounts from supporting vendors
- Discounts on club and event swag
- Access to the OF4WD forums
- Ability to participate in CampNL, one of Canada’s premier off-road events.
- Discounts and special deals from participating dealers and retailers
- Event liability insurance
- Support the ever-growing voice of 4WD enthusiasts in Ontario
- Full and complete info is available from the OF4WD web siteDiscount membership in the Ontario Federation of 4WD Recreationists (OF4WD) including but not limited to:
How Your Membership Dollars are Used
Your donations are appreciated, and help the club run several programs. Some of the expenses covered by your donations include:
- Yearly web hosting and domain & DNS fees
- Yearly OF4WD club registration fee (currently $100 per year)
- Deposits and initial monetary outlay required to acquire club swag
- Deposits and initial monetary outlay required to acquire prizes/awards for, and to organize/secure CNTC, events such as the Adventure Weekend
To retain Premium Member status, we ask for a minimum of $20 per year. This covers your Premium Membership status from September 1st to August 31st. A reduction of membership status to Registered Member only will result if you no longer wish to contribute.
How to Donate?
Please visit The Donation Page to make your contribution.