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Topo Maps and Trail Guides

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:33 pm
by Admin
Here is a list of resources for Topo Maps of Canada, detailed Provincial Maps and Trail Guides. Check back regularly as this list will be kept up to date and added to as more resources are discovered and established resources change.

The Atlas of Canada - Toporama – Topographic Maps
These new maps are the next generation of the Centre for Topographic Information’s very successful Toporama product. The National Topographic System (NTS) provides general-purpose topographic map coverage of Canada. These maps depict, in detail, ground relief (landforms and terrain), drainage (lakes and rivers), forest cover, administrative areas, populated areas, transportation routes and facilities (including roads and railways), and other constructed features. The maps show data from the 1:250 000 and 1:50 000 National Topographic Databases.

GeoGratis - Geospatial data available online at no cost!
GeoGratis is a portal provided by the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) which provides geospatial data at no cost via your Web browser. The data will be useful whether you're a novice who needs a geographic map for a presentation, or an expert who wants to overlay a vector layer of digital data on a classified multiband image, with a digital elevation model as a backdrop. The geospatial data are grouped in collections and are compatible with the most popular geographic information systems (GIS), with image analysis systems and the graphics applications of editing software.

Maps & Geographic Information in Ontario - OMNR
Geographic information systems (GIS) and geographic products, including maps, support the sound management of natural resources. Our economy relies directly or indirectly on land information to plan and maintain activities. Much of Ontario's environmental, economic, and social well-being depends on land information.

Backroad Mapbooks - Mussio Ventures
The Backroad Mapbook Series is the best selling Outdoor Recreation series in the country for good reason. We pride ourselves on providing up-to-date information with all the details needed to get you to outdoors safely and confidently.